Thursday, October 8, 2015

The End of Off Season

Gabriel and I are watching the Carolina Hurricanes season opener tonight.  This is a day we've both dreaded.  I cannot see hockey, think about hockey, or hear the word hockey without thinking about Chris.

The last time I watched hockey, Chris died.  We were watching the Stanley Cup playoffs when he collapsed.

I have survived an off season.

It still remains to be seen if Gabriel can once again love the sport that he shared with his dad.  I myself cannot even ice skate, and we've moved 1.5 hours away from the nearest ice rink.  Likely, Gabriel won't be playing hockey again for at least a year or so.  We are thinking about starting our own roller hockey league here in the grand 'ole Mayberry.  After all, I've always had dreams of being a roller derby girl and Gabriel is an ace on skates.  A natural.

Chris and I bought Gabriel some really great skates and pads for his birthday.  I will never forget wrapping those skates in the floor at 4:00am in the morning after Chris had died 5 hours earlier.

Anyway, happy hockey season Chris.  I hope the ice is always fresh, the skates are always broken in, and the goals are plentiful where you are resting.  We will never forget you.

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